Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wedding Hair

I suppose I could also title this post 'Putting the cart before the horse' but I was bored this evening and delving into pictures of wedding hair.  I have no part of my 'look' together at this point, but after my research, I am drawn to the pulled back or to the side styles that are sort of low and loose.  Let me tell you though, there are sooo many interesting styles to be had- Hairstylists sure have some cool skills!  Once I get my dress and everything, I will book a hair try-out with someone.  I don't have a regular hair person, so maybe I should work on finding one...  I should really focus on things that have more short term deadlines!


midgetthemighty said...

Doesn't hurt to look! Besides, it's a woman's perogative to change her mind.


amen sister!