Friday, April 29, 2011

...Kate Middleton stole my look.

Ok you guys, I totally didn't care very much about the Royal Wedding.  I have no ties to the couple, I never watched them on reality tv, or saw them on TMZ too often.  The whole thing was a big yawn for me.  I did want to see what dress she chose though - partly because she is a gorgeous girl, and partly because what she wears is going to mold upcoming bridal fashion.  Well I'll tell you, she looked stunning.  And my Mother can vouch for me that I wanted a dress with sleeves, because it will be January, and I had kind of envisioned a like strapless plain thing with a lace overlay for the sleeves, so I don't look too grandma, yet appropriate for winter and church.  I conjured this look in my head based upon this dress I saw this horrible Staten Island woman wearing in MTV True Life - I am getting married, which aired in like 2002 (where he lovely husband was telling the late arriving limo driver that he was going to gut him like a fish over the phone.).  Sadly, I cannot find a picture of her dress on the internet anywhere!  But if you take Kate's dress and replace the lace with just a plain toole looking lace and take away the sweetheart neckline, that is it! 
She totally stole my look. (lol)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flowers I am Loving

Happy 9 months until your wedding, Natalie!

When I think about my impending nuptials, my mind tunnel visions to invitations and flowers.  I was googling pictures of bouquets with such intensity, I felt like my wedding was in two hours.  Is that weird?  I realize that these are merely 2 things out of the 50 or so that need to get done, but who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear!  (Bonus points if you know the movie I just quoted, lol)  I need to seriously try to stay out of panic mode, it doesn't do me any favors.  Though during my frantic search, I did find some flowers that I just adore, so I thought I'd share!  I will also post the meaning of each flower, because I like secret meanings and symbols of things. (Language of Flowers) You can find the picture sources by googling the flower name.

                                                      Peony - Shame or bashfulness (eep...)
Stephanotis - Happiness in Marriage

Lily of the Valley - Trustworthy
Garden Roses - Love (but a lot of meaning depends on the color)
Calla Lily - Purity

I think those flowers are just lovely!  I need to check them with what is in season in January so I can get good prices.  Though it is January, so probably nothing is in season, except maybe roses because Valentine's Day will be right around the corner.  Are there any other super neat or pretty flowers that perhaps I overlooked?  Let me know!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cute Invites and Updates

I am so so sorry for not getting a chance to update until just now!!  I haven't had much of a second to breathe in weeks it seems.  So my last update was beach weekend/bridesmaids.  A has STILL not officially asked his groomsmen yet, so I was waiting around for that, and currently still waiting!  School has been busy - I have my first final exam tonight!  Church has also been super busy - catechism ended on the 18th, and Palm Sunday/Holy Week was the week after.  When you are Orthodox, Holy week means church everyday, sometimes more than once a day!  However, the services were all beautiful and interesting and good things, so it wasn't so bad.  This week I am headed to Dallas because the Bestie and I are going to the Arcade Fire Concert (yay!).  Then, the end of May is coming near, so A and I have been planning our now road trip (thanks airline prices) to Las Vegas so I can meet A's family, celebrate his 30th B-day (yay!) and co-host a bridal shower for our friend!  So between all of these things, I have not done one ounce of wedding planning in the past 3 weeks!  That is soon to change though, because tomorrow is will be 9 months until the big day!!

Commence Freakout. 

So I am feeling extremely behind on things!  When I realized the deadline, I began to scour the internet for invitations.  I guess that was my brain was panicking about needing to be done right that second.  My invite budget is pretty small because I wanted to DIY them, but I did find these sweet rehearsal dinner invites that I am pretty much sold on:

Again, I apologize for being so MIA, but the wedding planning is about to get going bigtime!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Here come the Bridesmaids!


Out of all the younger ladies in my life (whom are in my age range) the ones that are dearest to my heart have agreed to stand with me on the big day. 
Drumroll Please
We all already knew that Katrina is the Maid of Honor.  I think I asked her when I called to tell her I was has been pretty much a given for years and years.  I met Katrina in college when we were both joining the same business fraternity.  The rest is history basically, it would take half a lifetime to remember all the laughs and memories we have together.  In short, my life would be nowhere near as fun or as cool without this gal, and I just love her to pieces!

Next in the lineup is Anne!  Anne and I met in college, during my freshman year...  We originally met through a mutual friend and would hang out at parties and stuff.  Well one day I brought my bff Trey along to Anne's birthday party some 5-6 years ago, and they met, fell in love, and above is a pic from their wedding day - and they just celebrated their 1st anniversary last month <3  So thankfully bff Trey found an awesome wife, and in turn we(Anne and I) have become great friends.  I love Anne, she is so happy and funny and just explodes awesomeness!

And behind door number 3 is Rachel!  Rachel is my younger step-sister, so of course I chose to ask her!  When my Mom married Rachel's Dad, I was the most excited to have a sister.  I always wanted a sister, so before Rachel was here I was forced to dress my little brother up like a girl and call him Jeffalina.  I am so excited that Rachel is going to be part of the big day!
And last up is my cousin Heather!  Heather and I have soooo many fun memories from family get togethers and holidays growing up.  She is the one person in the group that I have known from my entire life, which is really special.  She asked me to be in her wedding a few years ago, and I am so glad that she is going to now be in mine!

So that is that, and now I need to try and find some scary ugly dresses for these ladies to wear...(only kidding, guys!) :)

Beach Weekend!

Sometimes you just need a break!  Luckily, there was a big beach party going on in Port Aransas, TX in celebration of my Granny's 75th birthday!
Seaweed City!!

The weather was perfect, the food and drinks and family were plentiful - I couldn't have asked for a better time :)  The beach is so relaxing, I don't know what it is about it.  Maybe the soothing wave sounds and the fact that while you are on the beach, there is nothing else you can really be doing.  Like how I can never fully relax at home because there is always stuff I could be doing.  I'll be on the couch trying to enjoy sister wives but in the back of my mind I think - I should probably clean my bathroom, or do the dishes, or finish one of the 20 projects I want to do, etc.  Since at the beach, I have no access to my projects, or my chores, so I may as well relax guilt free! 
The Birthday Girl
My Uncle Chip, as seen with my Granny above, is always making silly jokes about her and trying to embarrass her (all in good fun) and so he made this hilarious speech about how she is an honorary member of the Order of Herrera now (and gets a cape, medal and crown) - and made cracks about her being Canadian and whatnot.  You had to be there :)


All in all, it was a really fun weekend and I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the week!