Monday, April 4, 2011

Beach Weekend!

Sometimes you just need a break!  Luckily, there was a big beach party going on in Port Aransas, TX in celebration of my Granny's 75th birthday!
Seaweed City!!

The weather was perfect, the food and drinks and family were plentiful - I couldn't have asked for a better time :)  The beach is so relaxing, I don't know what it is about it.  Maybe the soothing wave sounds and the fact that while you are on the beach, there is nothing else you can really be doing.  Like how I can never fully relax at home because there is always stuff I could be doing.  I'll be on the couch trying to enjoy sister wives but in the back of my mind I think - I should probably clean my bathroom, or do the dishes, or finish one of the 20 projects I want to do, etc.  Since at the beach, I have no access to my projects, or my chores, so I may as well relax guilt free! 
The Birthday Girl
My Uncle Chip, as seen with my Granny above, is always making silly jokes about her and trying to embarrass her (all in good fun) and so he made this hilarious speech about how she is an honorary member of the Order of Herrera now (and gets a cape, medal and crown) - and made cracks about her being Canadian and whatnot.  You had to be there :)


All in all, it was a really fun weekend and I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the week! 

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