Monday, April 16, 2012


Hey guys!  It has been a while!! (sorry!) 

Aaron and I are all moved into our new place, and about 95% unpacked at long last.  So I have been busy with the move and school and unpacking everything, I can't believe a whole month has gone by already!?  I also got cable AND learned how to use Pinterest (from my Mom of all people, lol) so both of those have been extreme time sucks.

For the Orthodox Christians in the group, yesterday was Pascha (pronounced Pah-ska)(Easter) or the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord.  So we had a feast!  It was sort of like our very first hosted holiday.  Normally we are at my Mom's or Aunt and Uncles, but no one in the family celebrates Orthodox Easter but us, so we jumped on the opportunity to entertain. 

We invited my Mom and my brother Jeff over to eat (at our little two seater table, lol)  At least 70% of this menu was inspired by Pinterest...
Cucumber Roll Ups (filled with feta)

Bacon egg and cheese deviled eggs. And Cadbury eggs, of course

Leg of Lamb

Aaron getting his carve on

Easter Basket Cake!

And we will be eating leftover from our feast all week long, lol.  It was basically a success - everything turned out well taste wise.  Time management could use some work, as I should have make a few things the night before but we were frantically unpacking the last bunch of boxes.  Plus we were at church all night for Pascha services.  It was mega fun breaking in a bunch of our new kitchen gadgets and things!  We are totally going to have a game night, or get together sometime soon so we can do this again!

On that note (and speaking of notes), our thank you notes came in, and it is my goal to get them 100% done by the end of the week.  I am pretty certain that everyone thinks we are ungrateful jerks at this point, but we were moving and everything has just been too crazy.

AND I got an email from our photographer that our pictures should be ready sometime this week!  Exciting!!! 

So I am going to start recapping everything very soon :)  


a_mo said...

I think you have a year to do thank you notes! I'm sure no one thinks you're a jerk. Glad to hear it went well for the feast!!


That is what I thought too. tell that to my mom so she quits getting onto me about getting them done, lol