Monday, March 12, 2012

What a month!

I cannot apologize enough for leaving this blog high and dry for so long!  It has been non-stop crazy at the Hinkley residence lately...
This school semester is totally crazy, I have an Ethics class which is the amount of work for 3 classes with all the papers and projects we are constantly doing; a law class which is pretty easy, and another accounting course which I have to study like mad for in order to even pass.  It has been rough!  And since we are squeezed into Aaron's one bedroom apartment, I don't have good studying space set up (or blogging space for that matter!).  But enough with explaining myself, let me catch you up to the happenings of us these days.

So here is the deal with our living situation.  I was living with my Mom and brother before the wedding, then I moved into Aaron's one-bedroom apartment.  I was dead set on moving shortly after the wedding or even before if we could swing it because I figured if we were living in such close quarters crammed amongst 2 households of stuff we would surely get divorced in a month.  That would be like 1/3 of a Kardashian marriage, how humiliating!  lol.  But yeah, I need my living space to be at very least not a claustrophobic stress inducing environment.  The plus side is that two people in a one bedroom apartment is very cheap, which the accountant in me LOVES.  And maybe it is because we are in newlywed lovey dovey mode, but we are not having any problems living in the cramped space.  We investing in some clever space saving and organizing gadgets, and sort of cleaned and got the whole place out of bachelor mode - it was just fine.  I thought that if we wanted to move it should at least wait until the semester is over - there will be more choices available on places to rent, we will be in a better financial boat at that time, and we will have time to pack and move without incident. 
Well not sooner had I come to terms with this decision did we get a lovely little note from the property management jerks. 
"The Landlord has decided to not renew your month to month contract after March."

Yeah.  Apparently, they can do that.

So this happened on February 28th, giving us exactly a month and 2 days to find a new place to live.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I met up with the realtor lady who helped us look for a place pre-wedding to show us around a few places.  Well Aaron was gone to Notre Dame for a conference for half the week so I was flying solo on this apartment search.  Nothing available for rent really spoke to me except this super cute duplex which was right about at the max we wanted to pay for a place (so much for paying down those credit card bills quickly!).  So I got our application in, and someone leased it out from under us!  Jerks!!!  The thing about our neighborhood (which we love so dearly and don't want to leave) is that it is a pretty highly sought after locale, so stuff stays on the market for like 2 days then it is gone.  It makes it pretty impossible to even get in to see a place let alone mull it over before you decide.  And every place that is good is pricey.  Every place that is affordable is trashy.  It is hard.  I imagine this is sort of similar to what NYC residents go through when trying to move.  And then that clock just keeps ticking down, we now have 25 days to find a place...

Since all the places weren't that hot, we just decided to go with a mega-apartment complex.  They so aren't really our style, but time was of the essence and we got everything we wanted (yes, we are upgrading to a place with a dishwasher AND washer-dryer!) for a pretty decent price.  I am sooo glad also that it is relatively new.  Our current place was built in the 1930's.  And it smells like it was built in the 1930's and had the amenities needed in 1930.  Like only 3 plugs.  In the entire apartment.  Not even exaggerating. 
AND our neighbors (well, mystery neighbor) are being such jerks lately!  We got a note on our door that someone went and printed off their computer (possibly to remain anonymous) that can we please not leave trash outside our front door.  Ok so we were making an effort, but it isn't like it sits out there for days, it is like, hours at most.  So Saturday it was monsooning outside and we were packing and such and we stuck a bag outside of the door.  It was not out there even an hour and there was another note.  It said - 2nd notice, can you please stop putting your trash in the hall, it smells and it blocks the hall for all your neighbors.  2nd notice?!  Who in the heck do you think you are??!  Do you not see/hear it pouring down rain right now??  So Aaron wrote back a sassy remark on this note and it disappeared from the door soon after.  I suggested that he put that the next time we smell probably you and pretty much everyone else in the building smoking weed in your apartment, or being super loud at all hours of the morning we will call the cops on all of you a- holes!  I was super mad.  We don't complain about a billion things that these ghetto people do. He did not take my suggestions for the response, but that is probably for the best.
So in short, I think being kicked out for no good reason was a blessing in disguise. 

Our future home!

And as if that weren't enough to deal with, remember on Saturday when it was monsooning?  Aaron was in a car accident :\.  It was the other person's fault, and no one was injured, but it is a pain to have to deal with that now too.  Just by comparison, I think April is going to be pretty fantastic :)

I promise I will get back to wedding recaps as soon as I can! 


Megan said...

I'm sorry to hear about his accident and you having to find a place in a short amount of time. Rentals are like that here in CO too. You find one you like and by the time you call on it, it's gone. Unfortunately for us, we are going to have to deal with this here shortly as our lease is up in July. Boo! I am glad that you guys found a place though and that things are looking up! I can't wait to start reading more wedding recaps

Tiff For Tat said...

Sorry to hear about his accident but good thing he is okay. Oo even though moving seems like a pain now it will be fun to set up a new place together!

Saying I do said...

wow sounds stressful! I'm glad he's ok and i'm glad that you were able to find a new place and at least there was a bit of a silver lining!