Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I know I am jumping the gun here, but I just really want to head north right about now.  It is soooo stinkin' hot in Texas right now, and no sight of rain for a while!  

We kind of picked a weird time to get married, us both being students.  We will be a good two weeks or so into the Spring 2012 semester when we tie the knot, plus is will be winter, so jet setting off to the Bahamas makes little sense - as does going anywhere right after the wedding.  Also, we have planned to take a trip to Japan with my little brother Jeff.  And we have to go during the certain windows when sumo wrestling is going on, because if you can't see a sumo wrestling match when you are in Japan, what is the point??!  So that trip will be taking place in May as (hopefully) we are all done with college/masters programs/PhD (we are taking Jeff for his college graduation gift, and ourselves for our graduation gifts)  But first big trip post-nuptials cannot not be your honeymoon.  That being said, little brothers cannot be on your honeymoon with you.  So that leaves us with Spring break week!  Woot, South Padre here we come!!!  Totally joking, we aren't 20 year old frat guys.

Picking a honeymoon locale was not too difficult for Aaron and I because I practically begged him to agree to go to Montreal.  I am not 100% certain why I am obsessed with going to Montreal, but I have heard great things about how cool of a city it is, and about 65% of my my favorite bands come from Montreal.  And they speak French there, which is fun.
I have been to Canada only once and fell head over heals in love - we were in Victoria, the quaintest place I have ever been (though Savannah, GA runs a close second) and Vancouver which happens to be my Granny's hometown!  Plus everything about Canada seems so nice, and clean, and well mannered, lol.  My Granny likes to diss the left side of the country, apparently the West side are not fond of the French, so I hope she isn't too heartbroken that we are going despite her warning.

So we are going to Montreal, and Toronto if we have time, and spending the latter part of the week in Quebec City per Aaron's request.  I don't know where he finds out about stuff like Quebec City, but after some researching, it looks totally awesome!  Maybe even more awesome than Montreal!

Quebec City (can it get any more scenic??)

And I sort of hope we can swing by Niagara Falls, as a kitschy side trip.  And we could be just like Jim and Pam from The Office, lol.  

But yeah, I'm ready to be on that trip already.

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