Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What a lucky girl I am!

When I was spreading the news of Aaron and I's engagement to my extended family, I had to laugh at my Aunt Gloria Isbell calling dibs on throwing me a shower.  Such enthusiasm! :)  And how lucky am I to have such a generous Aunt, she is throwing me a bridal shower at The Guenther House in San Antonio at the end of October! 

Isn't that sooo awesome?  It is this beautiful historical home right on the San Antonio River!  San Antonio was picked so it would be easy for my Granny to come and my aunts and cousins - they are all in the Austin/San Antonio area.  I am really looking forward to it, it is going to be so nice and fun, I just know it! 

Aunt Gloria is the one in the pink (bottom left)

While I love all my Aunts and Uncles dearly, I have a special little nook in my heart for Aunt Gloria.  She is so funny and generous and poised and sassy (but in a good way!(I think you kind of have to be when you are the only girl with four brothers!)).  And I always remember when I was a teenager and bugging my mom to let me dye my hair bright red, or pierce something, Aunt Gloria was always my advocate, lol.  She'd tell my Mom, '...well if that is the worst thing she wants to do, you are doing alright!'  And now as she has just retired from teaching, and has the most adorable new grand daughter on the planet, she has carved out some time to do this for me, to which I am so grateful.  Sometimes I don't think I could ever be derserving enough for all the good and wonderful people in my life who love me. 

I must just be really lucky :)

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