Friday, September 16, 2011


I am coming to realize that I am a sucker for being nickeled and dimed to death by cute and relatively cheap wedding things.  It is just money, right? ;)

Long ago I read an article on about little details that every bride forgets, and wouldn't you know, the very first one was to bring a cute hanger for your dress.  Because everyone gets that shot of your dress hanging in a window, ready for it's debut stroll down the aisle:

But if you are forgetful or this miniscule detail never crossed your mind, you may wind up with a picture like:

Isn't that just so sad?

Well the lovelies on have capitalized on this phenomenon and have created very cute customizeable hangers for your dress.  So of course I bought one.  And I got a phonecall that my dress is in, and I need to pick it up this weekend!  So I will get to try out my new hanger right away, which is fun :)


Megan said...

I love the name hangers. I actually made mine and some for all of my bridal party because I didn't want to spend a lot on them. I am a cheap person though, haha! I hope that yours works out! Can't wait to see it!


You made those?? Wow, I need to find that post! Maybe I can try making some for the bridesmaids, yay!