Friday, December 30, 2011

It's my birthday!

I am 30 years old today :O  !!?!  And I have had a pretty fantastic day despite having to work, and it being the last accounting day of the month which is always super busy.

farewell youth.

I was treated to lunch by my little brother (he had to work this evening) at BJ's Brew House, which was delicious.  He and my Mom gave a present to both Aaron and I - a stay at Hotel Zaza for our wedding night!!!!  So exciting!!!!


After work my Mom and I hung out a bit before we met up with Aaron for birthday dinner at the Cheesecake Factory!  We had a delicious feast, and Aaron got me some gorgeous flowers and the new Mindy Kaling book which I wanted so bad!  I had given a bunch out as gifts to my friends, but refrained from buying one for me because we are on a budget.  I got it literally 2 hours ago and have read half of it already.  Win!   I also got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my bestie Katrina yesterday at work.  I love getting flowers :)  

So it has been a pretty great day filled with over eating, and the cherry on top?  The Addams Family Values is on TV right now!  That is seriously one of the greatest movies of our time and among my favorites, so hilarious!

Here's to the next great decade!


Megan said...

Happy Birthday!!! I am glad that you had a great day!!

Saying I do said...

You have the same birthday as me!! Happy belated birthday!! Hope it was great!