Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wedding Planner?

Has anyone used a wedding planner?  My gut is telling me don't do it, because she might fall in love with A and steal him away from me, but also that it may be money better spent elsewhere.  I am thinking about wedding planners today because school started back up for the Spring semester, so I was back to my 14 hour days three times a week.  And even though I have tunnel vision about all things wedding lately, I have a full time job that I need to tend to, 9 hours of classes per week, homework and studying time, catching up on all the tivo-ed shows for the week, time with A, time with the non A friends, keeping up with a super awesome blog, and volunteering through my school to do taxes for poor people.  I am a busy gal!  So I see a wedding planner as being a nice helper who can handle things, though I don't know what things.  And also, wedding planners are always in cahoots with other wedding vendors and can negotiate good deals on my behalf.  But then also, the real life wedding planners are very sassy on tv and all they do is tell the bride she can't spend money on things.  I don't need any help in that department.  And not to float my own boat, but I have had a few successful negotiations go down in my day, so I bet I could do a decent job.  So I don't know, there are good reasons for both options.  If you are pro-wedding planner, or opposed - let me know, knowledge is power!!!


Kayleigh said...

Hire me! lol

A lot of brides choose to hire a day-of-coordinator or a partial planner since it's cheaper.


Ooh that is something I will need to think about, how much does a day of coordination run?