Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Appointments and Faux Pas

Guys, I messed up.

I believe that last week I was going through a mid-engagement crisis.  Sort of like a mid-life crisis minus the buying a sports car and getting a new 22 year old boyfriend.
 I was just with thinking about wedding stuff, which is kind of out of character for me.  I think with the school semester coming up, I was letting my thoughts get clouded with all that was left to do and how much time school is going to take up, and how my seeing Aaron schedule is going to get smaller, and it got me kind of bummed/stressed.  Which is a horrible situation because I act impulsively.

So on Sunday night when I should have been heading to sleep, I was looking at wedding stuff and I bought a wedding dress from Asia.  It was a really good price.  But yeah.  It seemed like a good idea at the time.  But after telling my Mom and BFF, I learned that this was an absolutely terrible idea.  Thankfully, I should be able to recoup my investment by selling the dress - it is a really popular style and was really very cheap as far as wedding dresses go.

After my temporary insanity, it lit a fire under my butt to start getting some of the wedding things scheduled in these last few weeks before classes start.

I have dress trying-on appointments with David's Bridal this weekend, and Alfred Angelo the following Saturday, so I will at very least have an idea of what I want to wear, and can get the bridesmaid dresses verified (I haven't seen the ones I like in person yet).

And I have FOUR, count 'em, four appointments with bakeries for wedding cake consultations!  We are going to visit Alphorn Bakery, Who Made the Cake, Cakes by Gina and Three Brothers Bakery in the coming weeks.

I feel super accomplished (minus my dumb purchase) and as always, excited about cake :)

1 comment:

Stylish Bliss with MiMi said...

You overachivever, you!! LOL. Good luck with all your appts and let us know how they go.